Discover Heat Pumps:

The Green Alternative to Gas Boilers

To meet the UK’s net zero targets, approximately 8 million buildings must make the switch from gas boilers to greener alternatives, and Heat Pumps are an excellent alternative. Heat Pumps are electrically powered devices that extract heat from the air, ground or water from outside a building and convert it into usable heat. By using refrigerant-filled tubes with low boiling points, Heat Pumps can warm buildings even in winter temperatures.



To Many Benefits of Heat Pumps


A Simple Solution

Heat Pumps are unobtrusive in size, rarely bigger than an air conditioning unit, and they are easy to connect to most existing piping systems and high temperature radiators.


Heating And Cooling

Heat recovered from the engine can be used directly on-site, to heat your building, warm pools, provide hot water or steam, and run your industrial processes. Furthermore, the heat can be directed through an absorption chiller for cooling purposes.


A Green Solution

By opting for a Heat Pump, you can achieve an immediate emissions reduction of up to 70% compared to a gas boiler. As Heat Pumps harness existing environmental heat, they eliminate the need for fuel combustion or the release of harmful gases. They stand as one of the only fully carbon-friendly heating solutions, making them a straightforward choice for addressing scope 2 emissions within your business.


An Economical Choice

With Heat Pumps, you receive up to four units of heat for every unit of energy you invest, making them a notably more cost-efficient alternative compared to other electric heating methods. Likewise, Heat Pumps will prove more economical to operate than conventional heating methods. When integrated with a broader net zero strategy, Heat Pumps compliment on-site generation solutions like Solar PV. This synergy allows you to address both your gas and electricity emissions simultaneously and provides a safeguard against market volatility.


Dual Purpose

Not only can you use a Heat Pump to warm your buildings in the cooler months, but they can be reversed for the summer, enabling an eco-friendly room cooling solution using the same system and methods.

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Types of Heat Pumps

Ground Source Heat Pump

The most energy efficient and reliable option, perfect for businesses with significant outdoor space and long-term heating requirements.


Air Source Heat Pump

A versatile and cost friendly option for all building sizes, irrespective of outdoor availability. A perfect dual heating and cooling option.


Heat Pumps and Your Net Zero Strategy With True

Understanding which Heat Pumps are right for your business, and knowing the optimal time to introduce them into your net zero plan is no easy task. That’s why OEM’s team of Open Connect experts can identify,strategise and execute every phase of the process, whilst you monitor your savings and real-time payback via our innovative True platform.

Get in Touch to Find Out More - Empower Your Energy Transformation and Be the Change

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