A Commercially Competitive Path to Net Zero for Data Centres.
Reduce energy consumption, reduce carbon emissions and optimise power usage effectiveness across your data centre.
Transform your sustainability strategy and bring Net Zero targets into view with the power of True, the platform designed to help data centres reduce their IT load and operate with greater efficiency.

GWh of Energy Traded*
Energy Costs Saved for Data Centres*
Average Saving per Season per Customer*

Access Industry Insights from Leaders at Data Centre World.
It’s True. Sustainable Data Centres can exist...
Power Consumption in Data Centres
Get access to cheaper energy procurement with exclusive partnerships.
Data Visualisation for Data Centres
Simplify energy consumption and green energy generation data with dynamic dashboards.
Sustainability for Data Centres
Ensure your green investments deliver a return and secure path towards a net zero future.

True Zero Podcast
"I don't believe that in our entire experience working in the energy industry, the markets have ever been as unpredictable as they are at this very moment."
Ruari Cairns, Director of Risk Management & European Operations
"We are grateful for the tailored support and guidance we received from the True team.
Their expertise enabled us to effectively mitigate risks associated with the current market volatility.
They presented us with a range of options and promoted a flexible strategy, which enabled us to reduce our exposure to record-high energy prices for our company.
Their clear and insightful recommendations gave us the confidence to move forward with certainty in our budget planning."
Samantha Ford, Global Corporate Responsibility and Improvement Specialist, CGG

Data Centres need a Net Zero Strategy

Reduce Data Emissions
True provides data centre professionals with precise energy and emission data in seconds, not days. It’s how data centre energy usage can be reduced.

Create Energy Forecasts
True provides simple and easy to understand energy data, providing clear forecasts for you to plan your strategy around.

Invest in Green Technology
Access a network of partners specialising in green energy technologies, such as cooling systems for data centres, and a team of consultants who ensure your sustainability projects make the greatest impact.
The True Next-Gen Data Centre
True supports the creation of next-gen green data centres by combining energy procurement, real-time visibility of energy consumption and sustainable technology implementation.
Data Centre News
* Figures calculated based on 2 years of data including current season for customers using the Open Energy Market energy trading service.