Lead by Example in Sustainability

Empower your institution to achieve sustainability goals with True, the platform tailored to drive Net Zero initiatives within the education sector.

Connect with a team of specialists and gain instant insights to reduce costs, enhance efficiency, and set a sustainability example to your students and their parents.


Get started for free



Average Saving per Season per Customer vs Market Average*


Energy Cost Saving*


GWh Traded Volume for Education Customers*

"In 2021 Oakham School started our relationship with Open Energy Market to assist us with our Net Zero targets by providing electric and gas procurement, SECR and ESOS reporting. Using OEM for fixed procurement in 2021 saved us 8.73% against our existing contract. During the energy crisis in 2022 OEM’s procurement strategy insulated us, our Gas rates were 150% lower than the equivalent rates on offer in Summer 22."

Aaron Hazell
Health Safety & Energy Manager at Oakham School


Sustainability Challenges in Educational Institutions

True's expertise and technology have driven sustainability advancements in educational institutions of all levels, reducing costs, emissions, and energy use. Discover how we can help your institution.


Monitor & Report

True enables educational institutions to centrally monitor and analyze their energy consumption and costs across multiple sites and campuses. With intuitive data dashboards, pinpoint areas for savings and efficiency improvements.


Connected Sustainability

True seamlessly integrates with your existing sustainable infrastructure, providing real-time feedback on effectiveness. Easily gauge energy savings and explore further opportunities for investment.


Emissions Reduction Strategies

Our team conducts comprehensive assessments of carbon emissions throughout your institution and supply chains. True identifies immediate reduction opportunities through data-driven analysis, paving the way towards sustainability targets.


Your Energy Advisor

Our goal is to help you reduce your carbon footprint but we start by ensuring you are getting the best price for the energy you need and only paying for the energy you use. 


Mitigate Energy Market Volatility

The True Trading Team offer the opportunity to buy energy in advance when prices are low and even sell energy when prices are high, in order to achieve the best performance against the market average.


Renewable Energy Solutions

Access expertise and technology to guide sustainable investments tailored to educational environments. Make informed decisions backed by data insights.

Oakham School Harrogate Ladies College Norlington School West Acton Stonyhurst Good Shepherd Catholic Trust St Lawrence AESG+-+Open+Event+&+Tour+Ads-1 Glebe Primary School Longacre School 200px-Canford_Crest_Dark_Blue-1 Repton-RGB_Repton-Logo-Repton-Blue St_Edwards_School,_Oxford_logo (1)-1 CharterHouse

The True Path to Net Zero for Education, Book a Demo Now

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Energy and Sustainability News

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Unlocking the Future of Sustainable Logistics with Moran Logistics

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Dropping Transmission Charges Fail to Balance Distribution Cost Increases

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An Introduction: Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS)

* Figures calculated based on 2 years of data including current season for customers using the Open Energy Market energy trading service.