Industry News.


The latest from across the UK energy and sustainability sector...

3 min read

Unlocking the Future of Sustainable Logistics with Moran Logistics

A Q&A with Otto Terrell and Mark Burrell

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transmission costs

2 min read

Dropping Transmission Charges Fail to Balance Distribution Cost Increases

The increase in network costs, following higher distribution charges, will be limited from April...

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Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement

2 min read

An Introduction: Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS)

The way in which your electricity consumption is measured is changing.

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1 min read

True ESOS Workshop

Experts in data analytics and the brains behind True will deliver a workshop on Saturday 13th...

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2 min read

2023 Energy Market Review + 2024 Preview

Gregory Lotigie, Head of Trading

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1 min read

How Voltage Optimisation Reduces Energy Costs

Voltage Optimisation is a technology that can provide significant decarbonisation and reductions in...

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1 min read

Chris Maclean:  COP28 Falls Short Again

Chris Maclean is the CEO of True and Open Energy Market, and highlights several key issues raised...

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2 min read

ESOS Phase 3 & 4 Update

ESOS, the government-led mandatory reporting scheme for businesses, saw secondary legislation...

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reduce carbon emissions

1 min read

Planet Mark & True: How to Reduce Carbon Emissions

Without a clear carbon emissions reduction strategy and without access to sustainability...

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Exploring the Economic Benefits of Demand Side Response (DSR).

2 min read

Demand Side Response (DSR): The Economic Benefits

Demand Side Response (DSR) refers to the practice of actively managing and adjusting electricity...

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