Sustainable Food Production
Sustainable packaging , producing renewable energy for farms and sustainable supply chain management are just a few of the challenges impacting the food production industry.
Develop your sustainability strategy and bring Net Zero targets into view with the power of True, the platform designed to help you reduce energy costs and carbon emissions.

Energy Saving vs Market Average
Average Energy Cost Saving
Carbon Emissions Reduction
Oakland International Saves £4.4 Million
"True enables businesses to assess the impact of investments in renewable energy and understand how they deliver against Net Zero goals, all while energy costs are brought down and emissions are lowered. I think this is a game changer for companies who genuinely want to develop a road map to Net Zero and save money.”
Dean Attwell, CEO, Oakland International

True Zero Podcast
“If you support your people, you’re supporting the planet,” says Dean Attwell, the co-founder and group CEO at Oakland International, a leading integrated food and beverage supply chain specialist for chilled and frozen products, working with Tesco, Asda, Waitrose, Dunnes, Sainsburys and Boots.
Sustainable Food Production for a Healthy Future
True is a platform that helps food producers and distributors control and reduce their energy consumption while reducing their carbon emissions at the same time.
"Otto Terrell from True has been really helpful in connecting us with technology providers and consultants who will help us reach Net Zero."
Rosie Chapleo, New England Seafood

It’s True. Sustainable food production is achievable
Reduce Scope 1, 2 and 3 EmissionsWork with our experts and technology to significantly reduce your carbon emissions.
Access Power Consumption Data in Seconds not DaysBring clarity to your energy consumption with instant access to your usage.
Get real ROI from your Sustainability InvestmentsEnsure your green investments deliver a return and secure your path towards a net zero future.

Food Production need a Net Zero Strategy

How to Reduce Food Production Emissions
True provides food producers and distributers with precise energy and emission data in seconds.

Create Precise Energy Forecasts
True provides simple and easy to understand energy data, providing clear forecasts for you to plan your strategy around.

Invest in Green Technology
Access a network of partners specialising in green energy technologies and a team of consultants who ensure your sustainability projects make the greatest impact.
Book a Demo of True and Reduce Your Energy Consumption & Emissions
Sustainable Food Production News
2 min read
The 2024 UK Budget: Energy Costs, Environmental Regulation, & Net Zero
Nov 1, 2024 by True Powered by Open Energy Market