True Powered by Open Energy Market

4 min read

“Clean Energy Superpower” Manifesto for UK Businesses

The political landscape in the UK has recently undergone seismic changes, with the Labour Party's landslide victory in the UK election on July 4th marking a turning point for energy policy and climate action. The newly elected government’s...

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2 min read

UK Energy Market Analysis - June 2024

Global tensions, underscored by the conflict in the Middle East and political events in France and...

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2 min read

UK Energy Market Analysis - May

Equity markets have experienced a decline from their all-time highs at the beginning of the month...

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1 min read

UK Energy Market Analysis - April

In the economic environment, equity markets have shown only a modest response to the tense...

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2 min read

UK Energy Market Analysis - March

The last month has seen the UK move – officially – out of the winter period and into spring, and...

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True Sustainability

1 min read

Introducing the True Knowledge Base: Your Gateway to Expertise

Following the launch of True, we have developed some incredible features to support your business...

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Reduce energy costs

2 min read

The Open Performance Fund - Saving Businesses Millions on Energy

Managing energy costs is a never-ending challenge for businesses. Whether it’s surviving the record...

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UK energy market

3 min read

UK Energy Market Analysis - February & March

Turning the clocks back to August 2022, when gas and power prices spiked to all-time record highs...

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1 min read

Greenwashing Gets Legal

The European Union recently announced that businesses across the continent would no longer be...

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